
Dipolar condensates have recently been coaxed to form the long-sought supersolid phase. While one-dimensional supersolids may be prepared by triggering a roton instability, we find that such a procedure in two dimensions (2D) leads to a loss of both global phase coherence and crystalline order. Unlike in 1D, the 2D roton modes have little in common with the supersolid configuration. We develop a finite-temperature stochastic Gross-Pitaevskii theory that includes beyond-mean-field effects to explore the formation process in 2D and find that evaporative cooling directly into the supersolid phase-hence bypassing the first-order roton instability-can produce a robust supersolid in a circular trap. Importantly, the resulting supersolid is stable at the final nonzero temperature. We then experimentally produce a 2D supersolid in a near-circular trap through such an evaporative procedure. Our work provides insight into the process of supersolid formation in 2D and defines a realistic path to the formation of large two-dimensional supersolid arrays.

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