
In this case, two different rare variant veins were encountered and clinical significance and nomenclature were studied. During the dissection of a 45-year-old female cadaver, two different coursed variant veins on both popliteal fossae were encountered. Variant veins both originated from anastomosis with the popliteal vein on both sides. The right variant vein course was above the adductor magnus muscle. Then, it was arced to the anterior thigh for terminating to the femoral vein between adductor magnus and minimus muscles. Its length was 25.25 cm, and it had a single well-developed valve. The left variant vein coursed between the biceps femoris and semimembranosus muscles and terminated to the inferior gluteal vein at the lower border of the gluteus maximus muscle. Its length was 17.5 cm, and it had two well-developed valves, which were located 8.4 cm and the second 13.9 cm away from its beginning. Variant veins considered as a complete type of persistent vein and axial truncus + femoral vein on the right and left sides, respectively. The variant veins and similar venous variations encountered in this case should be considered by clinicians due to be in related to pulmonary embolism. Also, it might be kept in mind to avoid misinterpretation of the deep venous thrombosis.

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