
The perception of the importance of ciliate in freshwater has changed dramatically since the “microbial loop” conceptualisation, reflecting methodological attempts. The data from two decades (1994–2018) on the surface (0–3 m) ciliate assemblage in the Slapy reservoir (Vltava River, Czech Republic) during two different nutrient-load defined periods were analysed. We grouped the identified, quantified, and biomass-evaluated ciliates in the quantitative protargol-impregnated preparations according to their feeding behaviour. The sampling median and interquartile range data of the ciliates were plotted; the modelled water age, nutrients, bacteria, heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and Rhodomonas spp. were applied as the main explanatory background variables. We validated the differences between the periods, engaging multivariate analyses. The picoplankton-filtering species dominated the assemblages in an annual mean (halteriids and minute strobilidiids followed by peritrichs). Algae hunting urotrichs, Balanion planctonicum, and nanoplankton filtering tintinnids were significant before the spring phytoplankton peak when a maximum of ciliate biomass reflected mixotrophic nanoplankton filtering pelagostrombidiids. Only there did ciliate biomass tightly follow their quantified prey. Heterotrophic and mixotrophic Askenasia and Lagynophrya were typical raptorial/flagellate-hunting cilates; only Mesodinium spp. reached the maximum during autumn. The observed oligotrophication of the reservoir increased the ciliate assemblage biomass in the surface layer during stratification in concordance with the Plankton Ecology Group (PEG) model.

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