
Phase equilibria involving orientationally disordered (OD) and liquid phases of the two-component system between carbon tetrachloride (CCl4) and 2-methyl-2-bromomethane ((CH3)3CBr) have been determined by means of X-ray powder diffraction and thermal analysis techniques from 210 K up to the liquid state. The isomorphism relation between the OD stable face-centered cubic (FCC) phase of (CH3)3CBr and the metastable FCC phase of CCl4 has been demonstrated throughout the continuous evolution of the lattice parameters and the existence of the two-phase equilibrium [FCC + L] for the whole range of composition, despite the monotropy of the FCC phase for the CCl4 component with respect to its OD rhombohedral (R) stable phase. A continuous series of OD R mixed crystals is found, which confirms the R lattice symmetry of the OD phase II of (CH3)3CBr, for which the crystallographic results have been long-time misinterpreted. X-ray patterns of such a phase were indexed according to the recent single-crystal results obtained by Rudman (Rudman, R. J. Mol. Struct. 2001, 569, 157). In addition, some experimental evidences are given to confirm the number of molecules per unit cell (Z = 21). The thermodynamic assessment reproduces coherently the phase diagram for the stable [R + L] and [R + FCC] two-phase equilibria as well as for the partially metastable [FCC + L] two-phase equilibrium and provides a set of data for the thermodynamic properties of nonexperimentally available phase transitions of pure components. Surprisingly, the phase equilibrium involving R and FCC OD phases appears as one of the very few showing a solid-solid equilibrium with two extremes.

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