
We report two cases of lesser omentum infarction with suggestive findings in esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD). Both patients were admitted to our hospital who presented with upper abdominal pain accompanied by signs of peritoneal irritation. EGD was performed to rule out gastroduodenal ulcer. No mucosal erythema and ulceration were observed, but we observed two signs suggesting lesser omentum infarction. First, EGD showed a submucosal tumor-like mass at the angular region of the lesser curvature of the stomach in both patients. Second, one of the patients exhibited great tenderness at the site of the tumor when this was depressed by biopsy forceps. We diagnosed the two patients with lesser omentum infarction from the results of abdominal computed tomography, abdominal ultrasonography, and EGD. Conservative management was applied;the patients received analgesic drugs and gradually became asymptomatic. Lesser omentum infarction presents with abdominal pain and sometimes signs of peritoneal irritation, and almost all cases can be successfully managed with conservative treatment. Diagnosing the disease carefully and precisely is essential. We report suggestive findings in EGD, which can assist in the diagnosis of lesser omentum infarction.

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