
Background Science prizes that are not meant to be very serious, stand-up evenings, science slams or publications with a scientific twist: science comedy comes in very different forms. But all variants have one thing in common: humour. It can be used to hide the seriousness of life or, in this case, everyday scientific life for a brief moment. Moreover, serious social or ethical questions are also met. The GPP, a group of German, Austrian and Swiss Pediatric Pulmonologists (GPP) is a scientific society with regular annual meetings. Unsystematic observations and preliminary data suggest that beer consumption increased by some of the participants during this event. Recently, electronic nose (eNose) devices have been developed as a technology for disease screening using exhaled-breath analysis. Here we addressed the issue, if the eNose can be used to differentiate between real beer and fake beer. Methods In this single-centre experimental study, 12 different “real beer” types and one “fake beer” were analyzed with regard to their emittance of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the eNose as an electronic VOC-sensing technology. Results Every single beer type can be identified by a characteristic VOC-smell print using the eNose. Distinct clusters exist for bottom- and top-fermented ales. Intriguingly, “Sylter Hopfen”, which is marketed as a “champagne-beer” and tested as representative of a “fake beer”, can be clearly differentiated from all other genuine beer types. Conclusion Our study provides the first objective data of beer flavor. In the long term perspective the eNose might help to overcome the agonizing controversy about beer flavors and, consequently, pacify the World. In the short run, however, our results give support to more targeted and reserved beer consumption during our annual meeting, especially since one specific beer shows a very similar pattern to indoor air.

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