
Prokaryotic (6-4) photolyases branch at the base of the evolution of cryptochromes and photolyases. Prototypical members contain an iron-sulphur cluster which was lost in the evolution of the other groups. In the Agrobacterium (6-4) photolyase PhrB, the repair of DNA lesions containing UV-induced (6-4) pyrimidine dimers is stimulated by Mg2+ . We propose that Mg2+ is required for efficient lesion binding and for charge stabilization after electron transfer from the FADH- chromophore to the DNA lesion. Furthermore, two highly conserved Asp residues close to the DNA-binding site are essential for the effect of Mg2+ . Simulations show that two Mg2+ bind to the region around these residues. On the other hand, DNA repair by eukaryotic (6-4) photolyases is not increased by Mg2+ . In these photolyases, structurally overlapping regions contain no Asp but positively charged Lys or Arg. During the evolution of photolyases, the role of Mg2+ in charge stabilization and enhancement of DNA binding was therefore taken over by a postiviely charged amino acid. Besides PhrB, another prokaryotic (6-4) photolyase from the marine cyanobacterium Prochlorococcus marinus, PromaPL, which contains no iron-sulphur cluster, was also investigated. This photolyase is stimulated by Mg2+ as well. The evolutionary loss of the iron-sulphur cluster due to limiting iron concentrations can occur in a marine environment as a result of iron deprivation. However, the evolutionary replacement of Mg2+ by a positively charged amino acid is unlikely to occur in a marine environment because the concentration of divalent cations in seawater is always sufficient. We therefore assume that this transition could have occurred in a freshwater environment.

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