
We show that the crossed modules and bicovariant different calculi on two Hopf algebras related by a cocycle twist are in 1-1 correspondence. In particular, for quantum groups which are cocycle deformation-quantisations of classical groups the calculi are obtained as deformation-quantisation of the classical ones. As an application, we classify all bicovariant differential calculi on the Planck scale Hopf algebra $\C[x]\bicross_{\hbar,\grav}\C[p]$. This is a quantum group which has an $\hbar\to 0$ limit as the functions on a classical but non-Abelian group and a $\grav\to 0$ limit as flat space quantum mechanics. We further study the noncommutative differential geometry and Fourier theory for this Hopf algebra as a toy model for Planck scale physics. The Fourier theory implements a T-duality like self-duality. The noncommutative geometry turns out to be singular when $\grav\to 0$ and is therefore not visible in flat space quantum mechanics alone.

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