
We use the Dijkgraaf-Vafa technique to study massive vacua of 6D SU(N) SYM theories on tori with R-symmetry twists. One finds a matrix model living on the compactification torus with a genus 2 spectral curve. The jacobian of this curve is closely related to a twisted four torus T in which the Seiberg-Witten curves of the theory are embedded. We also analyze R-symmetry twists in a bundle with nontrivial first Chern class which yields intrinsically 6D SUSY breaking and a novel matrix integral whose eigenvalues float in a sea of background charge. Next we analyze the underlying integrable system of the theory, whose phase space we show to be a system of N−1 points on T. We write down an explicit set of Poisson commuting hamiltonians for this system for arbitrary N and use them to prove that equilibrium configurations with respect to all hamiltonians correspond to points in moduli space where the Seiberg-Witten curve maximally degenerates to genus 2, thereby recovering the matrix model spectral curve. We also write down a conjecture for a dual set of Poisson commuting variables which could shed light on a particle-like interpretation of the system.

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