
We prove that the restricted wreath product ${\mathbb{Z}_n \mathbin{\mathrm{wr}} \mathbb{Z}^k}$ has the $R_\infty$-property, i. e. every its automorphism $\varphi$ has infinite Reidemeister number $R(\varphi)$, in exactly two cases: (1) for any $k$ and even $n$; (2) for odd $k$ and $n$ divisible by 3. In the remaining cases there are automorphisms with finite Reidemeister number, for which we prove the finite-dimensional twisted Burnside--Frobenius theorem (TBFT): $R(\varphi)$ is equal to the number of equivalence classes of finite-dimensional irreducible unitary representations fixed by the action ${[\rho]\mapsto[\rho\circ\varphi]}$.

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