
The 2015 documentary film Twinsters, tells the story of reared-apart MZ female twins, Samantha (Sam) Futerman and Anaïs Bordier. Born in South Korea, the twins were adopted separately as babies by couples living in the United States (Sam) and France (Anaïs). Their chance discovery of one another and their subsequent reunion and relationship are beautifully captured in the 2015 documentary film, Twinsters. Recent interviews with some of their family members are presented in Twin Research and Human Genetics for the first time. This is followed by brief reviews of recent twin research on a heteropagus twin, schizophrenia liability, epigenetics and homosexuality, and transgender-discordant twins. Finally, some newsworthy items are summarized, including the passing of reared-apart MZ twin Jack Yufe, an unusual twin father; identical twin models I; identical twin models II; and a pair of twin marines.

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