
The coenzyme-bound form of human skeletal muscle d-glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase has been shown to crystallize in the space group C2 and not C222 1 as previously reported. The unit cell contains two tetrameric molecules with the dimer of molecular weight 72,000 as the crystallographic asymmetric unit. The recorded X-ray intensity distribution clearly indicates the presence of non-crystallographic 2-fold axes perpendicular to the crystallographic 2-fold axis showing that the subunits are arranged with near perfect 222 symmetry. Isomorphous derivatives of the enzyme have been prepared and the heavy atom positions defined in complete agreement with the C2 space group assignment. Further confirmation that the space group is C2 and not C222 1 comes from the 3.5 Å resolution electron density map of the human enzyme, which appears almost identical to that of the lobster holo-enzyme where no such space group ambiguity exists.

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