
Winter wheat occupies a leading position in production crops of agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. Winter wheat classifies as soft wheat and is used to produce bakery products, cereals, pasta, and others. That is why baking properties play a key role in the process of growing grain. The classic system of fertilizing winter wheat crops does not ensure the stability of wheat grain quality indicators, such as: nature, fiber, protein, therefore it was decided to conduct field experiments in real conditions, which are different from laboratory ones, and for objective reasons agrometeorological indicators such as: precipitation, the level of moisture in the soil, the temperature, cannot be controlled during the experiments. Conducted field experiments showed the effectiveness of the use of a solution of urea with magnesium sulfate to increase, first of all, the quality of grain. Quality indicators of fiber and protein improved from fodder to indicators of the first and second class of grain according to national requirements. Also, the proposed fertilization scheme leads to an increase in yield indicators. During the first stage of the research, solutions of different concentrations had used and their effect on winter wheat plants had studied. After that, maximum safe concentrations had studied for three years in field experiments. Based on the obtained data and analysis of the energy and economic efficiency of foliar top dressing with a solution of urea and magnesium sulfate, a conclusion has made about the feasibility of this type of top dressing. A comparative analysis of the results of one-time and two-time foliar application with this solution proves that the greatest improvement in qualitative and quantitative indicators, which obtained with two-time application. Also, based on the results of the experiments, the optimal proportions of the solution chosen, namely 10 kg/ha of urea plus 3 kg/ha of magnesium sulfate. After that, a two-time application of foliar fertilization with urea and magnesium sulfate introduced into the permanent system of agro-management of the enterprise. The research is part of the dissertation research work and was conducted based on a private enterprise of the Luhansk region, located in the Steppe zone of Eastern Ukraine.

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