
The effects of six mechanical site preparation treatments, two stock-type treatments, and early chemical release on survival and growth of planted white spruce (Picea glauca (Moench) Voss) were studied in the BWBSmw1 biogeoclimatic zone of northeastern British Columbia. After 20 years, spruce height and diameter were larger in all mounding treatments than in the control. Early results suggested better spruce performance on large than small mounds, but after 20 years, growth was equally good on small mounds as on mounds with 20 cm mineral capping. Spruce planted on hinge positions in the Bräcke patch and blade scarification treatments did not survive or grow well. Early chemical release improved spruce growth equally as well as the mounding treatments. Twenty year spruce survival averaged 71% in the 14 and 20 cm mound treatments, 60% in the early chemical release treatment, and ≤35% in the Bräcke patch and blade scarification treatments. A large stock type was also planted in untreated ground and, after 20 years, had similar survival and growth as the standard stock type. Differences in survival had a large effect on basal area at age 20 years. Trend analysis showed that treatments diverged into two distinct groups with regard to spruce size during the 20 year span of the study.

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