
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) are a novel and emerging mode of online learning. They offer the advantages of online learning and provide content including short video lectures, digital readings, interactive assignments, discussion fora, and quizzes. Besides stand-alone use, universities are also trying to integrate MOOC content into the regular curriculum creating blended learning programs. In this 12 tips article, we aim to provide guidelines for readers to integrate MOOC content from their own or from other institutions into regular classroom teaching based on the literature and our own experiences. We provide advice on how to select the right content, how to assess its quality and usefulness, and how to actually create a blend within your existing course.


  • More and more massive open online courses (MOOCs) are becoming available in the field of medical education

  • They offer the advantages of online learning and provide content including short video lectures, digital readings, interactive assignments, discussion fora, and quizzes

  • MOOCs originally have been developed for stand-alone delivery to students outside of the regular curriculum, schools around the world have started to integrate MOOC content from their own or from other institutions into the curriculum (Robinson 2016; Swinnerton et al 2017; Bralic and Divjak 2018), with students indicating high satisfaction with the online materials provided as an inspiring addition to the traditional course materials (Aboshady et al 2015)

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More and more massive open online courses (MOOCs) are becoming available in the field of medical education. With a MOOC or its content forming part of your classroom course you will need to inform your student cohort how to access this material and why this approach is being taken Traditional strategies, such as teaching guides, announcements, and institutional emails, will usually suffice, but it is important to get the specifics correct. It is often needed to help students to understand their responsibilities in the online course as that differs from traditional classroom learning Guide their new independence in learning by providing a list of tips on how to make the most out of such a massive and open learning environment and how to use the different content types offered most efficiently (Griffiths 2013). In order to assess the impact of the MOOC, you must have a clear rationale for why you chose this approach and what you hoped to achieve

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