
 Considering the relationship between media and sense-making in Brazil, the purpose of this article is to examine an interventionist collaborative ethnography in a specific literacy context – history classes in a Brazilian state school, in which the classroom teacher, two researchers, and 5th grade students conjointly try to decenter commonsense views of gender and sexuality. By making ample recourse to media texts and to radical hybridity, they work towards promoting classroom literacy practices which “de-ground” certainties by shaking them through border-crossing (Mignolo 2000) and triggering the negotiation of new perspectives for social life. By dramatizing cemented social voices and engaging in what we have termed trans-experiences, participants show that social matrices and solidified meanings do not simply impose themselves on individuals but live through microsociological encounters. This movement is made visible through a microanalytical approach that, capturing tenuous voicing contrasts indexed by register use, reveals a delicate, but significant, performative flux.

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