
Abstract : This report documents test excavations conducted at 14MH148 by Historic Preservation Associates in July 1987. 14MH148 is a prehistoric site located within the former Town of Barrett near Tuttle Creek Lake, Marshall County, Kansas. The property is presently owned by the Kansas City Corps of Engineers and is slated for sale as excess land. The investigations were intended to determine if cultural resources were present that would merit inclusion in the National Register of Historic Places. The site encompasses roughly 45,000 M 2 and contains a Plains Woodland component and possibly an Archaic one as well. The deposits were restricted to plow depth and no intact cultural remains were encountered. However, because approximately 80% of the site is situated on private property and has not been investigated, its eligibility for inclusion on the National Register cannot be assessed at this time. No additional archeological work is recommended because additional adverse impact, such as uncontrolled collecting and digging, resulting from the proposed sale cannot be assumed. Private ownership may, in fact, confer protection not possible on public lands by limiting access.... Tuttle Creek Lake, National Register of Historic Places, Cultural resources, Archeological investigations, Significance, Kansas City District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Plains Woodland.

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