
Tuttha also known as “Copper Sulphate” is a crystalline aqueous mineral which has been in use in Ayurveda since ancient time. “Tutthak Drava” which is one of the ayurvedic kalpa mentioned by Rasatarangini is a kalpa of Copper Sulphate. Tuttha is widely used in skin conditions as per ayurvedic texts and the kalpas varies from aqueous solution, creams, ointments, suppositories to upto oral preparation. The respective contain mainly focus on use of “Tutthak Drava” (Aqueous solution of copper sulphate i.e. 500mg CuSO4 in 50ml Water) in skin condition primarily seen in child group i.e. Ahiputana (Napkin Rash). In 21st era the use of diapers is profoundly increased and due to lack of hygiene the cases of Ahiputana has been increased. Ahiputana which is Kapha-Pitta Pradhan avastha is subsided by Kapha-Pittaghna guna of Tuttha along with Vranaghna, Lekhana, Kushtaghna and Garavishaghna guna of Tuttha . A 6 months old female child suffering from Ahiputana with complains of erythema, discharge, skin excoriation, burning sensation and tenderness at legion was treated with local application of “Tuttha Drava” by cotton pad on legion every 6hrly for 5days. The subject got significant relief within the 5days.


  • Sulphate” is a crystalline aqueous mineral which has been in use in Ayurveda since ancient time

  • Aim: To Study The Efficacy of Tutthak Drava in 6months old female child suffering from Ahiputana

  • To evaluate the effect of Tuttak Drava in a child suffering from Ahiputana

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Sulphate” is a crystalline aqueous mineral which has been in use in Ayurveda since ancient time. “Tutthak Drava” which is one of the ayurvedic kalpa mentioned by Rasatarangini is a kalpa of Copper Sulphate. Tuttha is widely used in skin conditions as per ayurvedic texts and the kalpas varies from aqueous solution, creams, ointments, suppositories to upto oral preparation. The respective contain mainly focus on use of “Tutthak Drava” (Aqueous solution of copper sulphate i.e. 500mg CuSO4 in 50ml Water) in skin condition primarily seen in child group i.e. Ahiputana (Napkin Rash). A 6 months old female child suffering from Ahiputana with complains of erythema, discharge, skin excoriation, burning sensation and tenderness at legion was treated with local application of “Tuttha Drava” by cotton pad on legion every 6hrly for 5days. E- ISSN: 2320-7329 pradeshi lalima, Guda pradeshi Vrana, sphota, Daha, Lasika strava from lesion got significant relief from local application of this “Tuttak Drava” by cotton pad on lesion within 5days. History of present illness: Child was all right prior 2 days since she started the complains and came to our hospital – SMBT

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