
Interaction with computers and virtual environments is almost totally based on visual displays, along with auditory feedback. Somesthetic feedback, a necessary feature in all other skilled activity, is usually absent. Haptic interfaces attempt to solve this problem by coupling the human sense of touch with a computer-generated world. Haptics is the science of applying tactile sensation and kinesthesis to interaction with computer applications. By using special input/output devices (joysticks, data gloves, or other devices), users can receive feedback from computer applications in the form of sensations felt in the hand or other parts of the body. These sensations include forces, vibrations and/or motions. The aim of this tutorial is to provide participants with an overview of the technical aspects of haptic feedback and provide information about different haptic feedback devices and applications of these devices using virtual reality and computer simulations for motor rehabilitation, learning and teleoperation. The tutorial will include opportunities for hands-on practice with haptic devices and different environments. The haptic devices available for hands-on practice will include the Novint Falcon, and the SensAble OMNI devices.

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