
We think the “Turtle Geometry” [1] is a useful and convenient way of doing graphics programming. Recently, we have developed brand new implementations of the “Turtle Geometry” in Turbo Pascal [12] and in Maple V [14]. Our implementations include the usual primitives with Turbo-Pascal-like syntax: Forwd(dist), TurnLeft(ang), SetPenColor(color), SetPosition(xl, x2), etc. We shall begin with a brief resume of the implementation developed in Maple V.Further on we shall show how using an implementation that is based upon floating point arithmetic, can be unsuitable even for dealing with problems in elementary Geometry. Details concerning how exact arithmetic is treated in our implementation are given. Clarifying examples are also included.KeywordsElementary GeometryIsosceles TriangleFloat Point ArithmeticPythagorean TheoremExact ArithmeticThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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