
How the turnover of villous trophoblast is regulated is important for understanding normal and complicated pregnancies. There is considerable accord that syncytiotrophoblast (STB) grows and is refreshed by recruiting post-mitotic cells from the deeper cytotrophoblast (CTB). Nuclei in STB exhibit a spectrum of morphologies and packing densities and, until recently, there seemed to be a consensus that this variation reflected a transition from an early undifferentiated CTB-like phenotype to a long pre-apoptotic and brief apoptotic phase. In these later phases, nuclei are sequestered in clusters (syncytial knots) prior to extrusion as part of normal epithelial turnover. Early in gestation, nuclear clustering and formation of protrusions (syncytial sprouts) also occurs as a preliminary to villous sprouting. Nuclei in these clusters have a CTB-like phenotype and some sprouts may also detach from STB and pass into the uteroplacental circulation. However, this apparent consensus has been challenged and new interpretations of events in the proliferative (CTB), terminal differentiation (STB) and deportation compartments have emerged. Several different types of STB fragment are deported in normal pregnancy: larger multinucleate STB fragments, smaller uninucleate elements with CTB-like morphology, anucleate cytoplasmic fragments, microparticles and nanovesicles. This review identifies points of agreement and disagreement and offers possible avenues of future research. An obvious need is to standardise best practice in several areas including choosing appropriate references for cell cycle phase labelling indices and combining immunolabeling of cell cycle and apoptosis markers (at LM or TEM levels) with design-based stereological estimates of absolute numbers of cells and nuclei in different compartments throughout normal gestation. This would also provide a surer foundation for interpreting results from different research groups and changes in normal and complicated pregnancies.

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