
The design of turbine frames with turning vanes, known as turning mid-turbine frames (TMTF), becomes of great importance for high by-pass ratio engines with counter-rotating turbines. To achieve a more efficient low-pressure turbine the overall diffusion and radial offset should be increased. One goal of the EU project DREAM is to analyse the flow through a TMTF and a downstream arranged counter rotating LP rotor. The investigation of these complex interrelationships has been performed in the unique two-spool continuously operating transonic test turbine facility at Graz University of Technology. The test setup consists of an unshrouded HP stage, the TMTF and a shrouded LP rotor. The shafts of both turbines are mechanically independent, so the test rig allows a realistic two shaft turbine operation. The TMTF flow field is highly complex. It is a turbulent and unsteady flow dominated by strong secondary flows and vortex-interactions. The upstream transonic high pressure turbine stage produces a complex inflow with high levels of turbulence, stationary and rotating wakes and vortical structures. Therefore the application of advanced measurement techniques is necessary. To describe the HP-TMTF interaction time-resolved pressure measurements have applied within the project. The TMTF was instrumented with 10 fast response pressure transducers; static pressure tap recordings on the strut and on the TMTF end-walls have been also applied. Five hole probe, total pressure and total temperature rakes have been additionally acquired in the planes just in front of the struts and downstream to evaluate the performance of the TMTF. The results of these conventional techniques are presented in this work and they represent the necessary starting point for the evaluation and the description of the flow field. The idea is to start the study analysing the mean quantities and the overall performance of the two stages for different conditions and to leave the analysis of the time-resolved results for further investigation. Detailed investigations will start from the data presented in this paper; indeed, the use of unsteady measurement techniques is time consuming and cannot be performed for such a large amount of flow conditions, radial planes and HP vane - TMTF relative positions. Three operating conditions for different clocking positions have been considered. The variation of the operating conditions has been achieved by varying the HP shaft velocity and pressure ratio, with a consequence change of pressure ratio in the LP rotor. For this analysis the LP shaft velocity was kept constant. The TMTF performance variations will be analysed in terms of total pressure loss coefficient and exit flow angle; the mean interaction between the structures coming from the HP stage and the struts will represent the interpretation key to explain these variations. This work is part of the EU project DREAM (ValiDation of Radical Engine Architecture SysteMs, contract No. ACP7-GA-2008-211861).

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