
The evaluation of ship maneuverability characteristics typically involves the mode tests, direct CFD computations, and system-based simulations. The three methods have been widely used in traditional vessels. However, the trimarans, which are appended with the waterjet propulsion systems, have been rarely researched and assessed comprehensively based on the above methods. This paper used a free-running waterjet-propelled trimaran model test to obtain the constant turning and zigzag maneuvering performance in calm water conditions. By embedding the speed and heading controllers in a CFD program, along with the region moving method, a direct free-running maneuvering CFD model was established on a waterjet-propelled trimaran. Compared to the free-running model tests, the simulation results indicated that an empirical hydrodynamic derivative-based Maneuvering Model Group (MMG) method produced the fastest results but lacked accuracy in simulating a constant turning diameter, making it suitable for fast maneuvering estimation and prediction during the design stage. Conversely, a direct force (moment)-based CFD model required more accurate input estimates to acquire acceptable simulated results. Meanwhile, a body force-based CFD model considered more complex nonlinear impacts and was most similar to reality, achieving better agreement with the experimental results. Additionally, the simulations of the direct free-running maneuvering CFD model in calm and wavy water proved advantageous in examining hull-propulsor interaction during physically similar maneuvering processes where the model test was inadequate.

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