
The article, based on information from the works of East Turkestan historians, examines the relationship of the Ottoman Empire with the state of Yakup Beg, which arose in Kashgaria in the second half of the 19th century. The purpose of the study is to conduct an in-depth study and conduct a source study, textual analysis of information from East Turkistan historians, which contain important and valuable information about the connections of the Ottoman Empire with Kashgaria and its neighbouring regions of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, etc.). The study is based on conclusions formed during a comparative analysis of information from Turkic written sources with archival materials and data from unique scientific literature. In the course of preparing the article, to determine the completeness and reliability of the information provided, comparative-contrastive, comparative-historical and problem-chronological methods, methods of analysis, collection, and synthesis of information were also used. This technique was used to compare essential documents on the records management of the Ottoman and Russian Empires of the period under study, stored in the archives and funds of various countries, with information from local East Turkestan historians. It should be noted that relations between the two states developed in the context of the “Great Game” policy of the great powers towards Central Asia. The works of local East Turkestan historians provide extensive information on events related to the relationship between the Zhetyshar state (the state of Yakup-bek) and the Ottoman Sultanate. The authors describe these events with tremendous verve and enthusiasm. The unity of the Turkic-speaking peoples, who for centuries nourished each other with great faith and hope, is reflected in the works of historians.

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