
The article analyzes the interconnection between the direction of Turkey's struggle against terrorism with modern Islamist and nationalist ideas of Turkey. A majority of Turkish citizens following the Hanafi school of Islam, have historically opposed the purist religious doctrine of the Salafists. The author emphasizes that neither Turkey’s secular tradition nor its predominant, moderate Islamic theology has made Turkish citizens immune to radicalization. Modern Turkish history has produced several violent Islamist organizations advocating Salafi views in line with the Islamic State’s ideology. Turkish jihadists have been found among the ranks of foreign fighters in several recent conflict zones abroad. The article proves that when the uprisings began in Syria in 2011, Turkey threw its full support behind the opposition – harboring and mobilizing dissidents, arming rebels, and allowing free passage along the Syrian-Turkish border. Jihadists began to exploit the security vacuum, including ISIL and Jabhat al-Nusra (now Hayat Tahrir al-Sham), the Syrian affiliate of al-Qaeda. The article also addresses the problems of Ankara’s indifference at the first stage towards the ISIL’s activities within and across Turkish territory. While the crossings between Turkey and ISIL territory officially were closed in 2014, smuggling through the frontier continued apace and Ankara only later started to engage ISIL militarily. The author concludes that the period of active struggle against al-Qaeda in Turkey (2003-2011) gave way after 2012 to a reduction in counterterrorism operations and now supporters of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham thank Turkey for protecting them against Syrian government forces, Russia and Iran.


  • The article analyzes the interconnection between the direction of Turkey's struggle against terrorism with modern Islamist and nationalist ideas of Turkey

  • Gosudarstva Blizhnego Vostoka v poiskakh vneshnepoliticheskoj identichnosti (Turetskaya, iranskaya i saudovskaya modeli) [States oft he Middle East in Search for Foreign Policy Identity

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15 İstanbul’da bayram namazı kılan IŞİD’den Türkiye’ye tehdit

Aklınızı başınıza alın (ISIL, Holding Eid Prayers in Istanbul, Threatens Turkey). 18.07.2015. Власти в Анкаре окончательно пришли к убеждению, что группировка ИГИЛ, которую ранее они планировали использовать для свержения Асада и против курдов, может превратиться в серьёзную угрозу безопасности самой Турции. В период с 2003 по 2011 годы полиция реализовала интенсивную оперативную программу против «Аль-Каиды», чтобы предотвратить формирование эффективной сети этой организации в Турции. Тогда в ответ на возросшее влияние ХТШ турецкие спецслужбы в духе принципа разделяй и властвуй занялись отделением догматиков из числа сторонников «Аль-Каиды» от прагматиков, готовых действовать под эгидой Турции.

45 Çavuşoğlu
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