
Abstract: The Regional Trading Agreements have undoubtedly risen akin to sphinx in the recent years, with most of the member states of WTO ardently lapping for it. Post the Mongolia and Japan in 2016, every member states in WTO now have a Regional Trade Agreement, in place. However the point comes when there the concept of RTA is marred by the notion of Nondiscrimination, among the trading partners or when the same becomes out rightly discriminatory for developing countries like India, a point that would be highlighted better by the case study so being undertaken by the researcher. In such a scenario does RTAs being an exception to the non- discrimination agreement, prove a point in reference to the International trade scenario. The researcher in this regard would try to dissect the case of Turkey Cotton Export Case, which highlights how the Regional Trade Agreements of EC have actually, have affected or rather have influenced the various developing countries, namely India in this case. Thereafter the researcher has tried to analyze the concept of regional trade agreements so prevailing in the international trade scenario, how far the concept has actually proved worthy and whether it actually did any help by mooting out of such an exception in the form of RTAs. The researcher has in this scenario tried to underline the justifications of the RTAs, though in a partly skeptical perspective. Lastly the researcher has highlighted about the limitation of RTAs especially in light of the Turkey case, and what is the ramification of the same in the light of country like India.

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