
Tourism sector is an area that offers very attractive opportunities for young entrepreneurs. It is possible to set up tourism businesses with comparatively low capital and by benefiting from various supports. Young entrepreneurs who have innovative ideas and creative products may provide financial support from their families, benefit from Turkish Organization of Small and Medium Enterprises Development (KOSGEB) supports; use credit in appropriate conditions, or collaborate with the owners of capital who want to invest in the tourism sector. When the tourism literature is examined, the subject of young entrepreneurs in tourism has not been observed wide enough. In this context, the main purpose of this study is to specify enterprising tendencies and personality traits of undergraduate tourism students. It is thought to be important for offering expedient recommendations to young entrepreneurs. In the scope of the study, a survey is conducted to identify entrepreneurial characteristics, enterprising tendencies and personality traits of tourism students who would be graduated in the near future. Data were obtained from questionnaire responses and analyzed by and quantitative techniques. It is identified that there are correlations between (i) calculated risk taking and openness, (ii) need for achievement and conscientiousness and extraversion, (iii) locus of control and conscientiousness and extraversion and openness, and (iv) creative tendency and openness. Alongside some significant differences are stated for enterprising tendencies according to demographic variables. The results were reached by interpreting the findings and some suggestions were developed for graduate candidates based on the results.

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