
Net transport due to a combination of Coulomb collisions and turbulence effects in a plasma is investigated using a fluid moment description that allows for kinetic and nonlinear effects via closure relations. The model considered allows for ‘‘ideal’’ turbulent fluctuations that distort but preserve the topology of species-dependent canonical flux surfaces ψ♯,s≡∫dF⋅B♯,s, where B♯,s≡∇×[A+(ms/qs)us], in which us is the flow velocity of the fluid species. Equations for the net transport relative to these surfaces due to ‘‘nonideal,’’ dissipative processes are found for the total number of particles and total entropy enclosed by a moving canonical flux surface. The corresponding particle transport flux is calculated using a toroidal axisymmetry approximation for the ideal surfaces. The resulting net transport flux includes classical, neoclassical-like, and anomalous contributions and shows for the first time how these various contributions should be summed to obtain the total particle transport flux.

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