
Turbulent dynamics of the edge plasma in the T-10 tokamak is simulated numerically by solving nonlinear MHD equations in the framework of the four-field {ϕ, n, pe, pi} reduced two-fluid Braginskii hydro-dynamics. It is shown that the transition from ohmic to electron-cyclotron heating is accompanied by a decrease in the amplitudes of turbulent fluctuations in plasma. This is caused by the enhancement of longitudinal dissipation due to the increase in the electron temperature. However, phase relations between potential fluctuations of different modes change in such a way that the Reynolds turbulent force increases, which leads to an increase in the poloidal velocity in the direction of ion diamagnetic drift. Since the poloidal and ion diamagnetic drift velocities enter into the equation of the radial force balance for ions with different signs, the radial electric field decreases. The simulation results agree qualitatively with the results of experiments in the T-10 tokamak. The dependence of the radial electric field on the plasma density, ion pressure, and neutral density is also calculated.

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