
The Federal Republic of Germany is in danger of squandering important future opportunities, warn five German scientists in a document published in January. The group speaks of a crisis in German science and calls for increased investment in education, training, and research. The language of Priorities for the Future is confrontational and alarmist. In Germany, the government and industry are currently walking arm-in-arm in the wrong direction, it says. The warnings are remarkable because they are not those of a few malcontents in the lower echelons of a research institute or university. Rather they come from five leading figures in German science: Wolfgang Fruhwald, president of the German Research Association (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG); Wolf Lepenies, vice chancellor of the Science College, Berlin; Reimar Lust, president of the Alexander von Humbolt Foundation; Hubert Markl, president of the Max Planck Society (Max Planck Gesellschaft, MPG); and Dieter Simon, president of the Berlin-Bran...

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