
AbstractWe analyze the development and influence of turbulence in three‐dimensional particle‐in‐cell simulations of guide field magnetic reconnection at the magnetopause with parameters based on observations from the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) mission. Along the separatrices the turbulence is a variant of the lower‐hybrid‐drift instability (LHDI) that produces electric field fluctuations with amplitudes much greater than the reconnection electric field. The turbulence controls the scale length of the density and current profiles while enabling significant transport across the magnetopause, despite the electrons remaining frozen‐in to the magnetic field. Transport of the out‐of‐plane current density exceeds that of the particle density. Near the X‐line the electrons are not frozen‐in and the turbulence, which differs from the LHDI, makes a significant net contribution to the generalized Ohm's law through an anomalous viscosity. The characteristics of the turbulence and associated particle transport are consistent with fluctuation amplitudes in the MMS observations. However, for this event the simulations suggest that the MMS spacecraft were not close enough to the core of the electron diffusion region to identify the region where anomalous viscosity is important.

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