
A total of species of cowry shells belonging to genus Cypraea nbsp Linnaeus of family Cypraeidae falling under the order Mesogastropoda collected from field observation in were identified using liquid preserved materials and living specimens in the field based on the external characters of shell structures The specimens comprised Cypraea tigris nbsp Linnaeus C miliaris Gmelin C mauritiana Linnaeus C thersites Gaskoin C arabica Linnaeus C scurra Gmelin C eglantina Duclos C talpa Linnaeus C argus Linnaeus C erosa Linnaeus C labrolineata Gaskoin C caputserpentis Linnaeus C nucleusLinnaeus C isabella Linnaeus C cicercula Linnaeus C globulus Linnaeus C lynx Linnaeus C asellus Linnaeus C saulae Gaskoin C teres Gmelin and C reevei Gray The distribution habitats and distinct ecological notes of cowry shells in intertidal and subtidal zone of Andrew Bay and adjacent coastal areas were studied in brief

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