
The authors analyse tunnelling through time-modulated barriers. The numerical results for the transmitted sideband intensities, obtained with wave-packet simulations, are in quantitative agreement with the analytical results of Buttiker and Landauer (1982, 1985). For opaque barriers the asymmetry of the sideband intensities can be characterized with a single frequency whose inverse Buttiker and Landauer interpret as the traversal time. This simple behaviour does not hold in general, and the authors discuss some of the difficulties one meets in an attempt to generalise the one-parameter description to arbitrary barriers. Furthermore, they examine analytically the transmitted wavefunction in the adiabatic limit, and show that the related density and current involve both the dwell time and the Buttiker time, defined in the context of a Larmor clock. This suggests the possibility that experiments probing different aspects of the transmitted wavefunction may yield different, but complementary, information about the tunnelling process.

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