
The Maldacena-Qi model describes two copies of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model coupled with an additional coupling, and is dual to the Jackiw-Teitelboim gravity which exhibits an eternal traversable wormhole in the low-temperature limit. In this work, we study an experimental consequence of the existence of the traversable wormhole by considering the tunneling spectroscopy for the Maldacena-Qi model. Comparing to the high-temperature black hole phase where the bulk geometry is disconnected, we find that both the tunneling probability and the differential conductance in the low-temperature wormhole phase show non-trivial oscillation, which directly provides an unambiguous signature of the underlying $\operatorname{SL}(2)$ symmetry of the bulk geometry. We also perform bulk calculations in both high and low-temperature phases, which match the results from the boundary quantum theory.

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