
A related series of six-membered carbenes featuring adjoining amino and/or amido groups (i.e, a diaminocarbene, a monoamido-aminocarbene (3), and a a diamidocarbene (6)) were systematically compared using crystallographic, spectroscopic, electrochemical, and density functional theory methods. The solid-state structure of 3 was found to exhibit inequivalent nitrogen–carbon bond lengths (Ccarbene–Namide = 1.395(4) A vs Ccarbene–Namine = 1.323(4) A). Moreover, the Ccarbene–Namide distance was longer than that measured in the solid-state structure of 6 (1.371(3) A), while the Ccarbene–Namine distance was similar to that measured in the solid-state structure of a cyclic alkyl-aminocarbene (1.315(3) A). Iridium complexes of the aforementioned carbenes were also evaluated, and the collected data revealed that the introduction of carbonyl groups to the carbene-containing scaffold had a nearly linear, additive effect on the E1/2 potential of the carbene-ligated iridium I/II redox couple (+165 mV per carbonyl added...

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