
The structure and magnetic interactions of the triplon Bose–Einstein condensation candidates Ba3Cr2O8 and Sr3Cr2O8 have been studied thoroughly in the literature, but little is known about a possible triplon condensation in the corresponding solid solution SrxCr2O8. We have prepared various members of this solid solution and systematically examined their magnetic properties in high magnetic fields up to and at low temperatures down to , by means of pulsed field and cantilever magnetometry. From these experiments for , we find that the critical fields of SrxCr2O8 decrease monotonically with decreasing Sr content x. This change is in good agreement with the earlier reported variation of the magnetic interactions in these compounds.


  • Over the past two decades, spin dimer systems have been in the focus of intense research due to their exotic magnetic properties

  • This spontaneous increase has been interpreted in terms of the Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC) of triplons [1]

  • The longitudinal magnetization Mz increases in such a way as one would expect it from an increase of the number of condensed bosons below Tc(H) in a typical BEC [2]

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11 February 2016

Henrik Grundmann1, Alsu Sabitova1, Andreas Schilling1, Fabian von Rohr2, Tobias Förster3 and Laurens Peters4 Original content from this Keywords: triplon BEC, high field magnetometry, magnetic phase transition work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence.

Experimental details
Pulsed-field magnetometry
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