
Optical resonances in a microcavity can be optically or thermally manipulated. Here, the tunings on optical resonances in silica microcavities with various dimensions are achieved by controlling the thermal dissipation with a thermal conductor. Finite-element thermal analyses show that the temperature in a mode volume of a microcavity can be definitely tuned, and the shifts of resonances near $1.55~\mu \text{m}$ are verified experimentally in a ~160- $\mu \text{m}$ -diameter cavity. In addition, the slight resonance shifts in a ~450- $\mu \text{m}$ -diameter cavity are examined indirectly from the output of single-mode Brillouin lasing. Compared to that of optical coupling, the thermal interaction space is much larger and fulfills a need to manipulate the high-quality resonances in a robust way.

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