
T'ang Studies 5 (1987) Tunes of T'ang Date for the "Get Treasure Song"? STEPHEN JONES and LAURENCE PICKEN JESUS COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY Elling Oliver Eide's intriguing note on Stamping Songs1 and, in particular, his suggestion that te pen i:!f f*, and the variant title of the uGet Treasure Songs" (noted by Martin Gimm2), Te-peng tzu i~ ¥~ ~ , might reflect Chinese transcription of a hypothetical Turkic teppen (= stamping), recalled to one of us (S.J.) the presence of aTe-pan tzu t~1~* piece in a list of Togaku-items C~T'angmusic") that survive in a manuscript of flute-tablature,3 originally of the tenth .century. The source is known only from eighteenth-century copies of a copy of 1098 that carried the colophon of Minamoto Ason no Hiromasa ~ ~ ['2. ti ~ (also known as Hakuga no Sammi if ~ .=. {ft, grandson of Emperor Daigo MMl ).4 We can be certain that the piece reached Japan not later than 841, since no Japanese mission to China took place between 841 and 966 (841 was the year that the mission of which Ennin was a member, the mission that left Japan in 838, returned).5 No perfor1 "Li Po's Riddle Naming Cloud-Ritual Hsii in Relation to the Feng Sacrifice of 742 and the Great Heavenly Treasure Scandal, To Which is Appended a Note on the Stamping Songs and a Sino-Turkish Name for the Huns," T'ang Studies 1 (1983),820 . 2 Martin Gimm, Das Yiieh-fu tsa-lu des Tuan An-chieh (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1966), p. 497. 3 This is Shinsen gaku-fu *JT 1~~ ~ of Minamoto no Hiromasa ~ m~, completed in 966. See A.J. Marett, "Tunes Notated in Flute-Tablature from a Japanese Source of the Tenth Century," Musica Asiatica (Oxford Univ. Press) 1 (1977), p. 25 (fo1. 62a, Tokuhanshi). The piece was not published (in staff-notation) by Marett because the tablature is deficient, lacking bass-drum beats (hyaku B) and binary metrical markers (ichi -), and its mensural interpretation is therefore uncertain. Marett supplied a tentative transcription in his doctoral dissertation, "Hakuga's Flutescore : A Tenth-Century Japanese Source of'T'ang-music' in Tablature," Diss., Cambridge, 1976 (University Library, Ph.D. 9823). For the purposes of this paper, the item has been re-transcribed. 4 For information relating to the history of the manuscript tradition and the quality of survi ving copies, see Marett, diss., p. 2 and Japanese references. 5 R.F. Wolpert, "A Ninth-Century Sino-Japanese Lute-Tutor," Musica Asiatica 1 (1977),pp. 111-165,esp. 146ff. 33 Tunes of T'ang Date for the "Get Treasure Song"? STEPHEN JONES and LAURENCE PICKEN JESUS COLLEGE CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY T'ang Studies 5 (1987) Elling Oliver Eide's intriguing note on Stamping Songsl and, in particular, his suggestion that te pen 得体, and the variant title of the "Get Treasure Songs" (noted by Martin Gimm2), Te-peng tzu 得鞨子, might reflect Chinese transcription of a hypothetical Turkic teppen (=stamping), recalled to one of us (S.J.) the presence of a Te-pan tzu 徳伴字 piece in a list of Togaku-items ("T'ang music") that survive in a manuscript of flute-tablature,3 originally of the tenth .century. The source is known only from eighteenth-century copies of a copy of 1098 that carried the colophon of Minamoto Ason no Hiromasa 源朝臣博雅 (also known as Hakuga no Sammi 博雅三位, grandson of Emperor Daigo 醍醐).4 We can be certain that the piece reached Japan not later than 841, since no Japanese mission to China took place between 841 and 966 (841 was the year that the mission of which Ennin was a member, the mission that left Japan in 838, returned).5 No perfor1 "Li Po's Riddle Naming Cloud-Ritual Hsu in Relation to the Feng Sacrifice of 742 and the Great Heavenly Treasure Scandal, To Which is Appended a Note on the Stamping Songs and a Sino-Turkish Name for the Huns," T'ang Studies 1 (1983), 820 . 2 Martin Gimm, Das Yiieh-fu tsa-lu des Tuan An-chieh (Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 1966),p. 497. 3 This is Shinsen gaku-fu 新撰樂譜 of Minamoto no Hiromasa 源博雅, completed in 966. See A.J. Marett, "Tunes Notated in...

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