
In this report, we present an experimental investigation on atomic frequency offset locking (AFOL) of a laser under ladder (Ξ) level coupling scheme. The 5S1/2 → 5P3/2 → 5D5/2 two-photon transition manifold of the rubidium (Rb) atom is chosen to demonstrate the performance of stabilization scheme in terms of frequency stability and tunability. The coherent pump–probe spectroscopy performed on the 5S → 5P → 5D levels results in signatures of two-photon absorption (TPA) and electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). Here the pump laser is locked to the fringe of a scanning Fabry–Perot interferometer with the help of frequency modulation spectroscopy. The probe laser is subsequently stabilized on the resulting EIT (TPA) signals. It is found that the probe laser attains relative frequency stability as a square root of Allan variance calculated from the frequency noise power density under closed-loop condition. Further, the current locking scheme has wide tuning range {Doppler width of transition manifold. This particular tunable AFOL (TAFOL) scheme can provide large tuning range without compromising the frequency stability and such implementation of TAFOL may open new opportunities in research areas like metrology, ultra precision coherent spectroscopy, etc.

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