
An external magnetic field (EMF) fiber sensor by combining nanomagnetic fluid and Hi-Bi nonadiabatic tapered optical fiber in fiber loop mirror (THB-FLM) is demonstrated experimentally and theoretically. The polarization controllers (PCs) in FLM are adjusted to excite different cladding modes in the sensor. By variation of the PCs' settings, the sensitivity of the sensor to EMF in the range from 0 to 21 mT could be tuned from 255 to 402 pm/mT. As compared to the reported magnetic fluid (MF) based sensors, the achieved sensitivity of the proposed sensor, with only 0.1% of the volume concentration of MF nanoparticles, enhanced by 5.6 orders of magnitude relative to in-line nonadiabatic tapered optical fiber sensor. The detection limit of the THB-FLM to EMF in the range of 0 to 21 mT and 22 to 50 mT was 5 and 18.9 μT, respectively. Experimental results show that the sensitivity to the EMF increased with the order of the cladding mode. In addition to the EMF sensing capability, the proposed structure can simultaneously provide temperature information.

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