
A novel tunable Fabry-Perot (F-P) filter is reported in this paper. The interference cavity is the hollow core of hollowcore photonic bandgap fiber (HC-PBF), which supports fewer modes than the conventional cavities. One of the reflection mirrors is the splicing point between a section of HC-PBF and a single mode fiber. The other one is a cleaved end of a section of micro-fiber, which is inserted into the hollow core of HC-PBF. The cavity length of the F-P device can be tuned by adjusting the position of the micro-fiber in the hollow core. Because of the low loss of HC-PBF, the F-P cavity length can reach several millimeters, even up to the order of centimeters, which results in its very narrow linewidth and high multiplexing capability. The experimental results show that the F-P filter has a fringe contrast of over 4 dB over a wide wavelength range, which can be used as the tunable filter in a fiber laser to obtain a very narrow linewidth.

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