
The tumour is fully functional in the zone of action of immune mediators. Moreover, the tumour needs immune system mediators to survive. "Adaptation" refers to a tumour's ability to withstand the effect of harmful elements. This gives birth to a new form of antitumour therapy: blocking tumour adaptability pathways. In this review, we will look at (i) tumour adaptation mechanisms as a result of pro-tumour immunoediting, (ii) how understanding tumour-adaptive mechanisms has led to ideas for developing cancer immunotherapies, and (iii) prospects for using the adaptation theory to substantiate new approaches to tumour growth inhibition. By considering the cancer problem through the lens of adaptability, a unique strategy for enhancing the efficacy of immunotherapy was proposed. The new approach is to utilise antisense treatment to erase the structural trace of adaptation in tumour cells or to disadapt tumour cells by "turning off" the immune system before initiating immunotherapy.

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