
The view that neoplasms of the spinal cord in children are rare is not supported by statistics. Forty years ago Schlesinger, 1 in a series of 251 tumors of the spinal cord disclosed at autopsy, found that 24 per cent were in children under 15 years of age. Stookey, in 165 cases in which the diagnosis was verified at the Neurological Institute between 1910 and 1926, found only 8 of the tumors in children under 12. However, it must be added that 2 of the 8 children were operated on before 1922, while in the remaining 6 the condition occurred during the next four years. The apparent increase in frequency is probably explained by the progress made during that period in the recognition of tumors of the spinal cord at this particular clinic. Unfortunately this progress has not obtained generally, as in many cases the lesions are still doubtless overlooked

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