
NASOPHARYNX AND PHARYNX Schleglmünig<sup>1</sup>reported a case of a fibroma of the nasophrynx in a girl, aged 13, and cited from the literature a few cases of this type of tumor in girls; as a rule, these tumors occur in young boys. He quoted Bensch<sup>2</sup>as having said that these tumors are due to the fact that the periosteum in a limited zone in the base of the skull is unable to produce bone tissue, and the surplus of nutritive substances are used in the development of a hypertrophic condition. He stated that the development of the bony skull in girls is arrested earlier than in boys, and for this reason fibromas usually develop in boys; if they do appear in girls, they become retrogressive early, as in his case. Bensch suggests this merely as an hypothesis. An objection to this hypothesis is that these tumors do

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