
Inhibition of the immune system has been observed in association with most stages of ovarian cancer; however, the mechanisms involved in the induction and maintenance of this chronic immune unresponsiveness associated with cancer progression are poorly understood. This immunosuppressed state is primarily defined as the failure to eradicate the tumor. This immunosuppressed state is generally associated with decreased numbers and reactivity of lymphoid cells in women with ovarian cancer. The degree of immune dysfunction in ovarian cancer patients has been demonstrated to correlate with patient survival. While ovarian cancer patients generally fail to exhibit effective immunosurveillance, as manifested by continued tumor growth and progression, the presence of tumor-reactive immunoglobulins can be demonstrated in these women, indicating the continued presence of immune recognition. We have not only demonstrated the presence of tumor-reactive antibodies in ovarian cancer patients, but have also shown that the levels of these antibodies increase as the disease progresses. The antigens recognized by the patients' humoral response have been identified as either membrane-associated or intra-cellular. In general, the localization of these antigens tend to be linked to the patient's prognosis. The presence of a humoral response against intracellular proteins are correlated with poor prognosis, while autoantibodies reactive with surface components appear to have a better prognosis. In addition to general antigen recognition, these reactive antibodies have been utilized to define specific epitopes on tumor-associated proteins. Certain specific antigenic epitopes exhibit common recognition among patients with the same tumor type. The specific recognition of certain epitopes can provide early evidence of aberrant protein expression and this aberrant expression of certain proteins, such as procathepsin D, appear to be linked to the tumor's acquisition of specific malignant characteristics, including metastasis formation and chemoresistance. Despite the existence of circulating tumor-reactive immunoglobulins, their presence correlates, in general, with poor prognosis and poor host survival. Since tumor-reactive immunoglobulins are elicited and can be detected early in the development of tumors and their enhanced synthesis is induced prior to the clinical manifestation of recurrence, the assessment of the tumor-reactive immune response against specific antigenic epitopes should represent an early significant diagnostic and prognostic marker in ovarian cancer.

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