
The purpose of this study was to determine the usefulness of perfusion CT (PCT) parameters particularly blood volume and neovascular permeability estimates (permeability surface area-product, PS) in the evaluation of oligodendrogliomas (OG), correlation with genetic subtypes of OGs (with or without loss of heterozygosity/LOH on 1p/19q) as well as comparison of perfusion parameters of OGs with astroglial tumors. Pre-operative PCT done in 21 patients with OGs was retrospectively correlated with our previously published PCT data for 32 patients with astroglial neoplasms (Jain R et al., AJNR Am J Neuroradiol 29:694-700, 2008). All OGs were also analyzed for genetic subtypes of with or without LOH. PCT parameters PS and cerebral blood volume (CBV) were obtained for the entire lesion and a statistical analysis done to correlate various histopathological variants. Low grade OGs (n=13) showed slightly lower CBV (1.42 vs. 1.72ml/100g; P value 0.391) and PS (0.56 vs. 0.95ml/100g/min; P value 0.099) as compared to high grade OGs (n=8), though not statistically significant. LOH positive OGs (n=13) showed higher mean CBV (1.59 vs. 1.45; P value 0.712) and slightly lower PS (0.68 vs. 0.75; P value 0.718) as compared to LOH negative OGs (n=8), although not statistically significant. Low grade OGs (n=13) showed higher mean CBV 1.42ml/100g as compared to low grade astroglial tumors (n=8) 0.95ml/100g (P value=0.08), however no statistically significant difference was noted for PS (0.56 vs. 0.52ml/100g/min, P value 0.695). Statistically significant differences were observed in CBV and PS values of high grade OGs and high grade astroglial tumors with the high grade glial tumors showing higher mean CBV (2.79 vs. 1.72; P value 0.03) as well as higher PS (2.37 vs. 0.95; P value<0.01), however this difference was not significant if only comparing grade III OGs with grade III astroglial tumors. PCT perfusion parameters including PS values do not help grade OGs despite showing a trend for higher CBV and PS in higher grade OGs. Similarly LOH positive OGs also showed slightly higher CBV, but again failed to reach any statistically significant level. Low grade OGs showed slightly higher CBV as compared to low grade astroglial tumors, whereas higher grade OGs showed significantly lower PS values as compared to higher grade astroglial tumors despite showing high CBV.

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