
Introduction A tumor cannot progress independently of its micro-environment-the stromal cells, tumor associated inflammation, metabolic alterations and extracellular matrix remodeling is significant in disease progression, evolution and metastasis. Bi-directional interactions between the tumor cells and stromal elements determine individual tumor behavior as reflected in the prognostic variability of cases within the same histological grade. However, pivotal findings relating to the tumor micro-environment (TME) in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma (OSCC) still remain unaccounted for in the standard grading and staging systems. Thus evaluation of the TME could provide a more robust and accurate predictive assessment of OSCC. Tumor Associated Macrophages (TAM) constitute the major inflammatory cell population of the TME, with a prominent role in stromal modulation and tumor progression. TAMs have also been regarded as suitable demonstrators of the “seed and soil theory” of metastasis. Objective To correlate the presence and role of TAMs in OSCC with the STNMP staging system. Findings Immunohistochemical evaluation revealed a definitive presence of TAMs at the advancing front of the tumor. The density of cells escalated from STNMP stage-1 to stage-4. A statistically significant, strong positive correlation was noted between-TAMs, tumor stage, tumor size and nodal status. A poor correlation between TAMs and tumor grade was noted. Conclusion In India, of the 77,003 new cases of OSCC registered annually, 67.7% of the patients are lost to the disease. While tumor grade is indicative of the degree of differentiation of OSCC, it is inadequate as a sole predictor of tumor behavior and prognosis. A holistic evaluation of tumors and their TME may be the remedy. Thus, it has emerged that TAMs being dynamic cells of the TME, could be utilized as indicators of tumor behavior and aggressiveness.

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