
Rotation curves of spiral galaxies i) fall off much less steeply than the Keplerian curves do; and ii) have asymptotic speeds almost proportional to the fourth root of the mass of the galaxy, the Tully-Fisher relation. These features alone are sufficient for assigning a dark companion to the galaxy in an unambiguous way. In regions outside a spherical system, we design a spherically symmetric spacetime to accommodate these peculiarities. Gravitation emerges in excess of what the observable matter can produce. We attribute the excess gravitation to a hypothetical, dark, perfect fluid companion to the galaxy and resort to the Tully-Fisher relation to deduce its density and pressure. The dark density turns out to be proportional to the square root of the mass of the galaxy and to fall off as . The dark equation of state is barrotropic. For the interior of the configuration, we require the continuity of the total force field at the boundary of the system. This enables us to determine the size and the distribution of the interior dark density and pressure in terms of the structure of the observable matter. The formalism is nonlocal and nonlinear, and the density and pressure of the dark matter at any spacetime point turn out to depend on certain integrals of the baryonic matter over all or parts of the system in a nonlinear manner.

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