
The eukaryotic cell cycle relies heavily on the mechanical forces vested by the dynamic rearrangement of the microtubule (MT) network. Tubulin Polymerization promoting Protein 1 (TPPP1) alters MT dynamics by driving MT polymerization as well as stabilization, via increasing MT acetylation. It increases MT rigidity, which results in reduced cell proliferation through downregulation of G1/S-phase and mitosis to G1-phase cell cycle transitioning. In this communication, we provide further evidence that TPPP1 may be an important regulator of genomic homeostasis. Our preliminary data show that long-term TPPP1 overexpression reduces cell viability via induction of apoptotic cell death pathways. Moreover, induction of DNA-damage results in increased TPPP1 expression, which is inhibited in the absence of expression of the tumor suppressor p53.

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