
Tubeufiaceae is based on the generic type Tubeufia, which is characterized by superficial, oval and bright ascomata, bitunicate asci, mostly long fusiform to filiform, transeptate ascospores and hyphomycetous asexual states with helicosporous conidia. Most species in this family are saprobic on terrestrial woody substrates and some are aquatic. Their distinct morphology as well as combined LSU, SSU and TEF1 sequence analysis show that Tubeufiaceae should be accommodated in a new order Tubeufiales, which is introduced in this paper. Phylogenetic analyses of combined LSU and ITS sequences were used to resolve genera and species within the family Tubeufiaceae. In this study, we examine and incorporate sexual and asexual states of genera in Tubeufiales to provide a modern treatment, based on single names. An epitype for Tubeufia javanica, the type species of Tubeufia, is designated and represents Tubeufia sensu stricto. The genera Acanthophiobolus, Acanthostigma, Boerlagiomyces, Chlamydotubeufia, Kamalomyces, Podonectria, Thaxteriella and Thaxteriellopsis are accepted, Acanthostigmina is reinstated, and the asexual genera Aquaphila, Helicoma, Helicomyces, Helicosporium and Tamhinispora are accepted in Tubeufiaceae. Three new genera Acanthohelicospora, Helicangiospora and Neoacanthostigma are introduced. The genus Bifrontia is added to the family based on morphological similarity. The incongruous morphological genera Acanthostigmella, Amphinectria, Chaetocrea, Chaetosphaerulina, Glaxoa, Malacaria, Melioliphila, Paranectriella, Puttemansia, Rebentischia and Uredinophila are excluded from Tubeufiaceae despite having characteristic ascomata with setae and multiseptate long spores. A key to genera accepted in Tubeufiaceae is provided.

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